Something of everything

Webpage Log and News

A historie of Harald and the PC-1600 

Thoughtfulnesses by Peter Lawatsch

Harald introduces himself

Sharp PC-1600 Prospect

All Sharp PC-1600 models

Sharp PC-E220 Prospect

Klaus Ditze products and prises

Software board CE-153

Pockets without end

SHARP PC-1600/K – Compatible Accessory from SHARP

Family tree of all Sharp pocket computer models

A letter of the Fischel company. 

3D Demo on the PC-1600

Prospect of the company EPCS Kratzer 1991

Prospect of the company Bajic Flensburg

Bills at the 80th. From my sharp collections.

Meeting of the PC-1600 friends in Emstek (Germany)

Advertising from the 1980s. Found in the german magazine PM 

Compatible accessories

for SHARP pocket computers

Sharp PC-1600 review by APC magazine

( Australia ). Very good !




Sharp Pocket Computer Catalogue 1987

Price list Pockets 1987.
